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Dyne App

Alimentez la croissance de votre restaurant.

Dyne App

DYNE helps foodservice teams make better decisions by using AI powered by over 1 billion data points every day. This allows teams to predict trends, manage resources more efficiently, and stay ahead of competitors. Our platform provides almost real-time insights, giving businesses an advantage. With over 40 partners, including Microsoft, Square, and Meta, DYNE supports more than 1,000 restaurants and retailers, helping them increase traffic by over 500% and save a full day of work each week through automation.


Marketing automatisé

Increase traffic by 500% with AI-driven marketing that enhances brand engagement and delivers more precise targeting. Our AI technology analyzes vast amounts of data to identify your audience’s behaviors and preferences, allowing you to create personalized campaigns that resonate with customers. This targeted approach boosts visibility, engagement, and conversion rates, ensuring your brand reaches the right people at the right time for maximum impact. Through automated processes, you can scale your efforts efficiently, driving consistent traffic growth while freeing up time for your team to focus on strategy and innovation.

Analyses des concurrents

Get access to real-time industry reports that help you identify market trends in your region and take recommended actions to stay ahead of the competition. With up-to-date insights, you can quickly spot emerging patterns and shifts in customer demand, allowing you to adapt your strategy and make informed decisions. These reports provide actionable recommendations tailored to your business, helping you optimize performance, seize new opportunities, and maintain a competitive edge in a fast-moving market.


Prévision de la demande

Boost profitability by 138% through advanced demand forecasting and streamlined operations. By accurately predicting customer demand, you can optimize inventory, reduce waste, and ensure resources are allocated efficiently. This allows you to meet market needs without overstocking or under-delivering, ultimately improving margins. Additionally, operational streamlining helps cut unnecessary costs and enhances overall efficiency, leading to increased profitability and more sustainable growth for your business.

Pour plus d'informations sur la manière dont DYNE peut optimiser le marketing et les opérations de votre restaurant, contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui !

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1. Inscrivez-vous à Entegra
2. Commandez ce dont vous avez besoin
3. Économisez de l’argent. — C’est aussi simple que ça.

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